The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

GARDEN GATE: Episode 258 – Attracting birds in the winter with heated bird baths (Jan 27, 2023)

Certain needs must be met to for any living creature to survive: food, water, and shelter from inclement weather and predators. These elements work together to form a critter’s habitat. No matter how ideal a habitat may appear to be in one or more of these areas, it will not be used by wildlife if … Read more

Garden Tips: Attracting birds to your yard in the winter

People often ask why they don’t have many backyard birds in the winter. Here, we explore some of the many reasons why this might be. Birds need food, water, and suitable habitat year-round. The more of these available in your yard, and the better quality they are, the more likely you are to attract more … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 229-Heated bird baths (Nov. 19, 2021)

Winters in Canada are tough on birds. They spend all their time looking for food, water and shelter. Anything that we can do to help these beautiful little creatures is a good thing and will help them to survive the cold nights. Birds must eat from dawn until dusk just to survive the -30C nights. … Read more

The Avant-Garden Shop