The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate: Episode 168 – Recycled plastic (July 5th, 2019)

With the over use of plastic in the news so much lately I thought I’d share some information about reducing or reusing plastic. Use Envirosax cloth bags instead of plastic bags to reduce waste. They hold more than 50lbs of groceries and fit easily into a purse or bag. A line of bird feeders that … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 167 – Tools for gardening (June 21st, 2019)

On this episode we share some great tips on tools you can use in the garden to make the work a little easier. Gloves, the Garden bandit, kneeling pad, all natural sunscreen and lip balm, hat etc. Plus you’ll see that I’m wearing a heat guard. Soak these neat little neck scarves in water for … Read more

Garden Tips: All that Glitters is Gold(finches)

The Peterborough area is blessed with an abundance of American Goldfinches, which some people call Wild Canaries. Male Goldfinches are a rich lemon-yellow, with black wings, a black tail, and a black “toupee.” Females are a paler yellow and lack the toupee (perhaps the males struggle with male pattern baldness?). Goldfinches alternate between flapping their … Read more

The Avant-Garden Shop