The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate: Episode 18 – Quality tools

CHEX TV air date: Fri. August 9th, 2013

Click here to view this episode of The Garden Gate.

How many times have you gone to a big box store excited to add some new tools to your collection only to be disappointed later when they break, twist or rust!

Joe Cook is an expert when it comes to finding quality tools. He worked in the industry for many years and now uses many tools for his expansive gardens at Blossom Hill Nursery.

ATP95GF8Learn the difference between poor and high quality tools.? At The Avant-Garden Shop we carry Felco pruners, which the experts use because of their durability.


Garden Gate: Episode 17 – A visit to Blossom Hill Nursery


CHEX TV air date: Fri. July 26th, 2013

Click here to watch this episode of?The Garden Gate.??

Blossom Hill Nursery is a stunning garden just outside of Peterborough in Fowler’s Corners that many locals don’t know about!

Filled with one of the largest collections of peony’s and delphiniums in Ontario, it’s a place gardeners and photographers alike fall in love with as soon as they arrive.

Visit their website at or ?

Garden Gate: Episode 16 – Sun protection in the Garden

CHEX TV air date: Fri. July 12th, 2013

Click here to watch this episode of?The Garden Gate. ?

Summers in Ontario can be pretty intense. We seem to go from cool wet springs right into hot humid and very sunny days. As gardeners we tend to love to spend long days working in the garden and often forget about sun protection until it’s too late.

We get many people in the shop who have either experienced skin cancer or been warned to protect their skin before it’s too late! Our hats can do the job to protect your face, ears and neck!

12004At The Avant-Garden Shop we carry three lines of hats that offer excellent sun protection. Visit our website for a sampling of some of our Canadian made sun protection hats.


Garden Gate: Episode 15 – A visit to Gardens Plus a member of Garden Route

CHEX TV air date: Fri. Jun. 28th, 2013

Click here to view this episode of The Garden Gate.

Abba dabba do, Alakazam, Blueberry muffin, Dance with me, Holy Mouse Ears…..these words don’t sound like they have anything in common…but they do!

In June I visited with Dawn Golloher of Gardens Plus just outside of Peterborough.? Dawn is a Hosta fanatic!? She had 100’s of varieties of hostas and ships them all over North America!

Humpback-WhaleHosta’s are great plants for the shade. They are very tough and fairly easy to grow. Many of the newer varieties have thicker leaves so slugs are generally not a problem.? There are giant hostas and also miniature hostas.? Tune into our Garden Gate episode to learn more!?

The Avant-Garden Shop