The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

J. P. Schoss & Brenda Tucker – Dog Bite Steel

I use recycled materials for a number of reasons. First, it is our responsibility to contribute to this world in as many ways as possible. Garbage is a great place to start. Oil tanks are costly to cut up and recycle so the scrap yards don’t want them. I began using oil tanks, water tanks … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 99 – Getting birds ready for colder weather (Sept. 30, 2016)

CHEX TV airdate: Friday Sept. 30th 5-5:30pm Click link to watch this episode online. As the days get shorter and the nights longer (and colder) birds need to fuel up on high energy food to survive. In the winter when the nights are long and VERY cold, birds need to eat from dawn till dusk … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 98 – Two new artists in the shop! (Sept. 16)

CHEX TV air date: Sept. 16th, 5-5:30pm Click link to our YouTube channel to watch this episode online. We have spent much of the summer relaxing and doing nothing….right? Not.   Here at the shop we’ve been busy travelling and searching for new artists to bring into the shop. This year my husband and I … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 97 – Answering your questions (Sept. 9, 2016)

CHEX TV air date: Sept. 9th, 2016Click link to watch this episode online   My Garden Gate episodes are often inspired by what birds we’re seeing, products that have recently arrived or questions from customers!  So on this episode I will answer two timely questions. First off, how to keep wasps and yellow jackets out … Read more

The Avant-Garden Shop