The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate: Episode 8 – Buy Local Campaign

buylocalCHEX TV air date: Fri. Mar. 22nd 2013

Click here to watch this episode of ?The Garden Gate.

Vince Bierworth from the KRUZ and WOLF radio stations is spearheading a Buy Local Campaign in the Peterborough area.? As my guest this week he told about the campaign and why he feels it’s important to support local businesses.

At The Avant-Garden Shop the majority of our gifts and outdoor decor are Canadian made. Vince and I discussed the benefits of this and how successful local businesses in turn support local charities and other businesses.


Garden Gate: Episode 7 – Heritage Tomatoes

tomatoesCHEX TV air date: Fri. 8th, 2013

Click here to watch this episode of?The Garden Gate.

Jillian Bishop (aka The Tomato Lady) from The Urban Tomato was my guest this week. We talked about Heritage Tomatoes and the wonderful and flavourful varieties now available.

Heritage tomatoes are the old “antique” varieties that you just can’t find in the grocery stores.? Because other tomatoes are grown for their durability during shipping?they are?not as flavourful.? Heritage tomatoes come in purple, orange, yellow, white, striped etc.? Growing a wide variety is fun when you can present a plate full of these colourful beauties to your dinner guests!

I have grown some in the past and they are absolutely delicious. If you happen to grow some of the cherry tomatoes you may find they never make it to the kitchen. They are so delicious right from the vine. I have a terrific sesame salsa recipe that is easy to make with sweet cherry tomatoes. The sweet and sesame work very well together.

Keep in mind that some of these tomatoes are “indeterminate” which means they are not short and bushy but can get quite long. Staking is necessary.

Each year Jill hosts a Seedy Sunday, seed exchange. ?Crowds flock to get a jump on spring. ?Visit her blog for details.


The Avant-Garden Shop