The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

GARDEN GATE: Episode 292 – Feeders For Baltimore Orioles (May 10, 2024)

With spring comes the migration of the Baltimore orioles! These brightly coloured birds visit our area during their breeding season. They don’t stay very long, usually raising one brood then taking off some time in August. However short and sweet, they’re a treat to see and hear in our backyards. We have many different feeders … Read more

GARDEN GATE: Episode 259 – Different types of suet feeders (Feb 10, 2023)

In a recent episode I went over the benefits of feeding our high-quality suet to your feathered friends, especially in colder months. In this episode I show you some of the suet feeders we carry in the shop. Some are wreaths that hold suet balls, cages with tail props, and squirrel proof suet feeders. There … Read more

Snowbirds – we get it!

Fall migration is underway. Like many Canadians, a lot of bird species prefer to spend their winters in warmer climes, often for the simple reason that food is more abundant there than it is here. Migration is risky business, though, and the move to the food is replete with challenges. First of all, it takes … Read more

Garden Tips: Is feeding birds helpful to them or a hindrance?

In addition to the pleasure that comes from watching birds at a feeder, many people choose to feed birds to help them out. You may have heard the idea that birds become dependent on feeders, and we could end up harming them if we stop stocking our feeders. The scientific literature suggests this may not … Read more

Birds, Windows, and Feeder Placement

It’s estimated that windows kill and injure more birds than any other human influence – about 1 billion birds annually in North America alone! Many of these window strikes happen at tall buildings in cities, especially during migration, but residential homes contribute to bird fatalities, as well. Research has identified several factors that contribute to … Read more

The Avant-Garden Shop