The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

GARDEN GATE: Episode 292 – Feeders For Baltimore Orioles (May 10, 2024)

With spring comes the migration of the Baltimore orioles! These brightly coloured birds visit our area during their breeding season. They don’t stay very long, usually raising one brood then taking off some time in August. However short and sweet, they’re a treat to see and hear in our backyards. We have many different feeders in the shop to offer them their favourite foods. Orioles love sweet oranges, will drink nectar just like hummingbirds, but they really enjoy our Bird Berry Jelly! This jelly has no corn syrups or preservatives so it’s healthy for our friends. These birds also love to dine on a variety of insects. Mealworms are great to offer once they begin raising their young, or a suet with insects in it.

The Avant-Garden Shop