The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Snowbirds – we get it!

Fall migration is underway. Like many Canadians, a lot of bird species prefer to spend their winters in warmer climes, often for the simple reason that food is more abundant there than it is here. Migration is risky business, though, and the move to the food is replete with challenges. First of all, it takes … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 89 – Michael Measure from FLAP

CHEX TV airdate: May 13th, 2016 To watch this episode online click link. Michael Measure directpr from FLAP (Fatal Light Awareness Program) is my guest on this episode of The Garden Gate. An estimated 1 to 10 birds die per building, per year. The City of Toronto has over 950,000 registered buildings that could potentially … Read more

The Avant-Garden Shop