The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Tips: Woodpeckers and other cavity nesters

Our year-round resident cavity nesters are getting busy with courtship and breeding behaviours, well ahead of the migrants, most of whom start returning from their southern breeding grounds in late-April. Behaviours to watch and listen for include calling/singing (nuthatches & chickadees), drumming (woodpeckers), ritualized displays (keep an eye open for dance-like movements between birds), and … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 200 – Salt Box Shoppe rustic bird houses (Oct. 9th, 2020)

Every couple of years we head to the Lake Huron area to camp or visit and attempt to see some of our artists who live and work in the area.  This year we were able to visit two after camping for a few days at Pinery Provincial Park. First stop was to see April Gregory … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 98 – Two new artists in the shop! (Sept. 16)

CHEX TV air date: Sept. 16th, 5-5:30pm Click link to our YouTube channel to watch this episode online. We have spent much of the summer relaxing and doing nothing….right? Not.   Here at the shop we’ve been busy travelling and searching for new artists to bring into the shop. This year my husband and I … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 10 – Bird, bat, butterfly and bee houses

CHEX TV air date: Fri. Apr. 19th, 2013

Click here to watch this episode of?The Garden Gate.

Gary Cowie from Animal House Creationsbluebirdphoto was our guest on this episode of The Garden Gate.? Gary constructs wonderful homes for many of our natural friends. He has thoroughly researched what specifications are needed for proper homes.

The size of the port opening, floor size, etc. will all vary depending on which bird you are trying to attract. His homes have drainage, ventilation, predator guards and more.

We not only discussed bird houses, but butterfly houses and homes for the super pollinator Mason bees!? Very informative.

These houses are all available at The Avant-Garden Shop.


The Avant-Garden Shop