The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate: Episode 98 – Two new artists in the shop! (Sept. 16)

CHEX TV air date: Sept. 16th, 5-5:30pm

Click link to our YouTube channel to watch this episode online.

14053894_10153278669237395_628226831183386525_oWe have spent much of the summer relaxing and doing nothing….right? Not.  

Here at the shop we’ve been busy travelling and searching for new artists to bring into the shop.

This year my husband and I traveled to Newfoundland. We had a wonderful time but so far have not had any luck finding something from that province that will fit in our shop.  We did find one fabulous artist, but his art was large and very focused on the culture and history of Newfoundland. (Pictured) So we’ll continue our search!

More locally however, we have new products from Marie Joel Turgeon of Quebec. Last year we featured her beautifully made birdbaths, and have now added her lovely pottery flowers for the garden as well some organic looking pears to decorate the indoors. Lovely.

13407334_1241578989195308_3249775320529602460_nIn addition we now have a selection of functional bird houses from April Gregory of The Salt Box Shoppe in Kincardine.  Her fun and funky bird houses are 100% Canadian and 100% recycled!  She uses hinges, door knobs, coat hooks and even baseball bats to make her creations.  Each piece is unique so you must pop in to find your favourite!

The Avant-Garden Shop