The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate: Episode 34 – Historical Homes in The Avenues

CHEX airdate: Friday March 21st, 2014 Click here to watch this episode of The Garden Gate. Historical plaqueSome of the oldest homes in Peterborough are in “The Avenues.” ?Homes were built here in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This includes Pearl, Elias, Margaret, Frederick, Maitland, a portion of Charlotte St. etc. The area is under consideration for the first Heritage designation district within the City. An article appeared in November of 2013 in?The Peterborough Examiner?on this topic. It’s a popular area for history buffs including those who like to see some of the oldest trees in the City as well. ?A few years ago a Heritage Home and Tree tour was also developed for the area. During this episode of The Garden Gate I spoke with local history buff, Dave McLeod about the neighbourhood. Dave loves to research the history on the historical homes and has had quite a number of address plaques designed for them. ?The plaques highlight the year the home was built, who built it and what they did for a living. ?Dave tells us a bit of history on a few of the residents of the area including a police officer who was charged with murder! The research is done by Mr. McLeod and the plaques are produced through The Avant-Garden Shop. Made from cast aluminum, these plaques will be on these homes for many years to come. Next time you’re in the area have a look and learn a bit about of City’s great history. If you live in an older home and would like to learn more about the history and have a plaque prepared, contact The Avant-Garden Shop. ? ?

The Avant-Garden Shop