The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Choosing the Right Glove for the Job

Miracle Worker GlovesAre you like me? You get out in the garden all geared up to attack those weeds that have been annoying you for weeks. You grab some gloves that you found in the garage, they’re a bit big, but you think they’ll do the job. Then, after about two minutes off come the gloves? The fingers are too big and clumsy, the dirt is getting inside and they’re slipping off as you work. Frustration sets in. So you start working without gloves. Oh I’ll soak my hands later to get this ground in dirt off. Good luck!


Not only is it bad for your skin, fingernails and cuticles to get them covered in dry dirt, but just think about what else might be lurking in the soil of your garden. Of course there are millions of good bacteria, but what about the neighbours cat? Does he visit your garden and leave little gifts for you? It is pretty disgusting when you put your hand into one of those treasures. Rusty nails, other garbage, thistles etc. these are all things that you can find in the garden amongst the weeds. Finding proper gloves that you’ll keep wearing are key to protecting your hands as well as your health.


When I tried the Miracle Workers gloves, I was amazed. These gloves are snug fitting and yet they breathe. I can easily get a grip on the weeds that I’m trying to pull. The cuffs are well fitted so I don’t get dirt falling inside the glove, and the backside is a fabric that breathes so your hands don’t get hot. Plus my fingernails stay clean! These are great gloves for the fidgety work that goes on in the garden. Miracle Workers are made of Nitrile, which is great for people with latex allergies and they’re washable!


If you’re going to be doing some shoveling, moving or picking rocks, or other tougher tasks then the Botanically Correct glove is the right one for the job. Similar to the Miracle Worker, but made with a tougher palm. These gloves are also breathable, have a tight cuff and provide a good grip for the task at hand. There is also a version of this called Tough Guys glove which is great in cool weather as it has a light lining of insulation. Men also like this glove for its durability.


Working in cold wet weather offers a whole new challenge. Whether it is working in a pond, washing the fall harvest with the garden hose or cleaning out the eaves the Best Gardening glove is the one for you. These gloves have an extra long cuff, they’re made from a waterproof fabric and are tough enough to protect you from rose and raspberry thorns. They’re even great for doing the dishes!


Please drop by The Avant-Garden Shop or visit our online shop to find your perfect glove. We’re here to help you make the right choice. All of our gloves are washable.

The Avant-Garden Shop