The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate Episode: 133 – Annual Backyard Bird Count with guest Drew Monkman

  Drew Monkman is a retired teacher, author and local naturalist.  Drew has written the book “Nature’s Year in the Kawartha’s”, an updated version renamed “Nature’s Year” and co-written another “Big Book of Nature” with Jacob Rodenburg of the Kawartha Environment Centre. On this episode of The Garden Gate we talk about the Great Backyard … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 101 – Migrating birds at the feeder (Drew Monkman guest)

CHEX TV airdate: Friday Oct. 28th between 5 and 5:30pm. Click link to watch this episode online. Now is the time to keep your bird feeders full of quality fresh bird food! Migrating birds are more apt to drop by and visit your feeders if they are clean and full. They may drop by for … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 87 – Where have all the swallows gone? Guest Drew Monkman

CHEX TV airdate: April 15th, 2016 Click link to watch this episode online Swallows, purple martins, chimney swifts have all been declining in numbers for a number of years. In my own backyard I had a couple of families filling my wonderful apartment bird house. But for the last 4 or 5 years I’ve had … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 86 – Pine Siskins with guest Drew Monkman

Chex TV airdate: April 1st, 2016 Click link to watch this episode online. Local Naturalist and author Drew Monkman is my guest on this episode. Drew helps us understand why we’ve had so many Pine Siskins at our feeders this year. He also points out the differences between Pine Siskins and Gold finches. These two … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 31 – Bats and white nose syndrome

Chex TV air date: Feb. 7th, 2014

Click here to watch this episode of the Garden Gate.

batNot everyone is a fan of bats. ?But bats eat 1000’s of mosquitoes everyday and should be encouraged in our gardens and yards. ?You can put up bats houses to attract them. We carry a few styles made locally by Animal House Creations.?

Bats are on a steady decline all across the country because of a fungus called?White nose syndrome.

A local naturalist will be our guest this week. Drew Monkman, will tell us more about this terrible disease and how it is affecting our bats.

Garden Gate: Episode 6 – Identifying birds

Suet FeederCHEX TV air date: Fri. Feb 22nd, 2013

Click here to watch this episode of?The Garden Gate.

Drew Monkman joins Brenda Ibey, owner of The Avant Garden Shop, to discuss how to identify your favourite birds during nature walks and birdwatching outings.It was a cold day in January but the birds were out singing and we were also entertained by crows chasing a hawk!

Drew Monkman is a retired teacher, naturalist and writer whose popular nature column ?Our changing seasons? appears weekly in the Peterborough Examiner. He participates in wildlife-monitoring programs, including the Breeding Bird Survey and the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas and is author of Nature?s Year in the Kawartha?s. He lives in Peterborough.

His book is available at The Avant-Garden Shop.


Garden Gate: Episode 5 – Attracting birds to your back yard with Drew Monkman

Upside down suet feeder

CHEX TV air date: Fri. Feb 8th, 2013

Click here to watch this episode of?The Garden Gate.

Brenda is joined by special guest, Drew Monkman to talk about ways to attract birds to your backyard. It was a cold day in January but we saw a lovely little woodpecker enjoying some suet and peanuts and also learned a few things!

Drew Monkman is a retired teacher, naturalist and writer whose popular nature column “Our changing seasons” appears weekly in the Peterborough Examiner. He participates in wildlife-monitoring programs, including the Breeding Bird Survey and the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas and is author of Nature’s Year in the Kawartha’s. He lives in Peterborough.


The 5 o’clock show, November 11th, 2012, A visit to The Avant-Garden Shop

5 o'clock showTheresa Kazuba from CHEX TV visited The Avant-Garden Shop in late 2012 to learn more about backyard bird feeding and bird watching.? Special guest Drew Monkman also joined us for a segment of the program.

Well worth watching if you’d like to learn more about choosing the right bird food, quality bird feeders and even a little about the local Blue Bird population.

This video is a little longer than the others but can be seen here.

The Avant-Garden Shop