The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate: Episode 26 – Buy Canadian


CHEX TV airdate: Friday Nov. 29th, 2014

Click here to view this episode of The Garden Gate.?

Why is it important to buy gifts that are Made in Canada?

You hear about the 100 mile diet – how far did that item you just purchased have to travel to get to you?

Are the people making the item getting a fair wage for what they are creating? Do they have health care? Education???

Coasters ML (8)It’s sometimes impossible to know the answer to these questions, when the item has come from a container that was shipped half way around the world! ?When you buy Canadian and from someone who knows about the product, you can usually get the answer to your questions and feel good about your purchase. ?And once you know that information, you can decide where best to spend your hard earned dollars.

During this episode of The Garden Gate, you’ll learn a few facts about the many Canadian made items available at The Avant-Garden Shop, and answers to some of these questions. I hope you’ll tune in or drop by and ask some questions!



Garden Gate: Episode 12 – Buy Canadian and Buy Local


CHEX TV air date: Fri. May 17th, 2013

Click here to watch this episode of?The Garden Gate.

There has been a great deal of interest lately in Buying Local and Buying Canadian, so I invited another local entrepreneur in to talk further about the importance of buying local and buying Canadian.

Donald Fraser and I worked together for many years at Peterborough Green-Up. Donald is now a writer and also runs a local?culinary tour in downtown Peterborough. This popular event takes you into the “backrooms” of restaurants, cafes and local brew pubs for a first hand taste of many great things. Talk to the chefs and owners to find out about new temptations!

Visit? for more information.

Garden Gate: Episode 8 – Buy Local Campaign

buylocalCHEX TV air date: Fri. Mar. 22nd 2013

Click here to watch this episode of ?The Garden Gate.

Vince Bierworth from the KRUZ and WOLF radio stations is spearheading a Buy Local Campaign in the Peterborough area.? As my guest this week he told about the campaign and why he feels it’s important to support local businesses.

At The Avant-Garden Shop the majority of our gifts and outdoor decor are Canadian made. Vince and I discussed the benefits of this and how successful local businesses in turn support local charities and other businesses.


The Avant-Garden Shop