The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate: Episode 121 – Pollinator gardens

Chex TV airdate: August 4th, 2017
Click link to watch this episode online.

Monarch ButterflyButterflies, hummingbirds and bees love the gardens that the Peterborough Pollinators group have created. With funding from various sources that have installed gardens around the City of Peterborough.

They also are encouraging home owners to install pollinator gardens themselves to encourage the bees and butterflies.

Pollinator gardens don’t have to be complicated. Adding a few specific plants to an existing garden could be all that is needed.

Purple coneflower, bee balm, Butterfly milkweed, wild milkweed, cardinal flower and many other pollinator friendly plants can be found at local nurseries and added to your gardens.

On this episode, Carlotta James from the Pollinator group shares one of the new gardens with us and tells us more about the project.

If you’d like more information on how you can install your own garden and get a free Pollinator sign, visit

The Avant-Garden Shop