The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate: Episode 83 – A visit to The By Hand Show (Meet the artists)

Thistle Fence ArtworkCHEX TV airdate, Friday Feb. 19th, 5-6pm

In late January we attended two gift shows for retailers only.

Glass Cats ArtworkThe By Hand show is only for Canadian artisans.  There are 100+ vendors at this show including jewelers, potters, metal artists, glass artists and much more.  Only a small segment are suitable for our shop, but we always love to go.  This gives us a chance to speak with the artists, learn about their craft and potentially decide to bring that work into our shop.

Come on a tour with me and meet some of the artists. AND, find out what new artisan will be featured in our shop very soon!

The Avant-Garden Shop