The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

GARDEN GATE-Episode 230: Christmas ornaments (Dec 3, 21)

At this time of year the shop is filled with beautiful gifts for Christmas. One of our favourites are the Stitch by Stitch ornaments.

These are hand made in South-East Asia by artisans in their homes. While we tend to avoid items made over seas so we can support our own Canadian artists, these items are Fair Trade. So we love to support this venture. Fair Trade means that the artists work in a healthy environment and are paid a fair wage for what they do. The details on these pieces are so intricate that you can see they love what they do.

We also have some beautiful hand made ornaments from Nova Scotia. These pieces are made from a variety of woods which give them the colour. They are not painted.

In addition to these items, we also have pewter and glass ornaments. Also made in Canada.


The Avant-Garden Shop