The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate: Episode 135 Birds striking and flying at windows (March 16th, 2018)

Thump! Don’t you hate hearing that sound? You know a bird has hit your window. Now you run outside to see if you can find the little thing. Hopefully it’s still alive and you can help revive it.

Or you see a very strange thing. A bird (usually a cardinal or robin) is flying up against your window repeatedly. He doesn’t stop. He might even move to another window during another part of the day. If you didn’t know, he’s fighting that other male that he sees in the window. He might even do this in your car mirror! Very strange site. And dangerous for him as well. He can fight that guy all day until he’s exhausted!

During this episode of The Garden Gate I offer a few tips and product ideas to help prevent or reduce this problem.

The Avant-Garden Shop