The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate Episode 134: Bee friendly Bird Food

Pollinators, pollinator gardens, bee houses, bee friendly gardens. These are the BUZZ words these days.  But they shouldn’t just be a passing fancy.  Bees are very important for our environment.  Without their pollinating abilities our grocery store shelves would be almost empty!

So how does this relate to bird food?  If your bird food is grown with pesticides then it’s not good for the environment (including bees) while its growing and it’s also not good for the birds eating the seeds! All of our bird food is pesticide free and is “Bee Friendly.”  Is the bird food you’re buying “Bee friendly?”  It’s time to find out!

On this episode I speak with local naturalist Drew Monkman about the importance of bees and the hazards of neonicotinoids and pesticides. 

The Avant-Garden Shop